Monday, 24 September 2018

Lady Dame Kelly Just Don't Trump A Plate Of Mince ……

Nigel was mooching in a charity book shop when he happened upon a book by Darrell’s interior design guru and muse Lady Dame Kelly Hoppen, his first port of call whenever he is pondering a scheme incorporating fifty shades of beige.
IMG_8687It was a mighty tome and at just £3 would have made a most excellent purchase and gift for Darrell………
However, Nigel also found a recipe book about mince for the same price ……..
1 mince mix 50 dinners
…… which, as a great drooler of all things pertaining to his stomach and Darrell being a most excellent cook, Nigel reckoned he would have much more to gain in buying this book for Darrell rather than having to watch him drool all over Lady Dame Hoppen and her beige hues, from which there was nothing to gain! What is he like? I am not so certain Darrell would have agreed, had he known the full story, but he did make a particularly scrumptious beef and cheese cobbler upon receiving his present, so £3 well invested Nigel!

Monday, 17 September 2018

Nigel Spots ……… More Wrestling Posters

Darrell would prefer and, at present, still remains a total stranger to the wrestling ring, however it does hold a certain fascination for Nigel, but for the time being he is content to just "admire” the posters he occasionally spots around Evesham.
Sometimes he finds it hard to draw himself away from musing upon the wrestlers and the rufty tufty characteristics they want to portray.
After much pondering he had to admit that he really wasn’t that sure as to what manly attributes these two gentlemen were trying to convey …… and let’s just say he was far too embarrassed to look too closely at the lady wrestler to form an opinion as to her perceived persona.
Nigel decided to call this first gentleman “The Half-Hearted One” as he looked as if he’d painted on one stripe then couldn’t be bothered to finish the rest. “One black stripe,” Nigel declared, “does not a menacing gladiator make!”.
And the efforts of “Mr Sniffer”, in Nigel’s opinion, weren’t that much better, as he looked as if he couldn’t even be bothered to tidy himself up by buttoning up his shirt and if that that expression was meant to frighten off his opponent Nigel thought he needed to seriously think again. If he had been in the ring with him Nigel would have certainly handed him a hankie and told him to blow his nose properly before starting the bout ….. he just looked like he was sniffing, a most unsavoury habit at The Towers, hence Nigel’s name for him.
IMG_8432 Ahhh Nigel, what is he like, you’ve got to love him!

Monday, 10 September 2018

Nigel Spots In Evesham

Nigel is first to admit his spelling isn’t that hot ……
…… but when he spotted this poster in the park last week he couldn’t help doing a double take …..
…… and a quick spell check on his phone …….
…… before getting too smug with himself …… as Darrell is oft heard to sigh, “Pride comes before a fall”
…… but on this occasion Nigel’s spooky feeling of a misspelling type nature were indeed correct and that a gentleman named Dayley had nothing at all to do with the said fair/fayre/fare!  What is he like?  Nigel, not Dayley!

Monday, 3 September 2018

Radiating Vitamin C

It has to be said that the abundant abundance of blackberries along our road in and out of town has not gone past Nigel. 
He’s been watching them for a couple on months now ……..
…… and now they are ripe for the picking and I think we are eating so many at the moment I swear we are all looking a little purple round the gills.
Each day Little Miss Iris and Young Master Bertie accompany Nigel to go picking, baskets swinging in a most romantic, rustic sort of country way, a vision not unlike something out of an Enid Blyton book.
With Little Miss Iris sagely reminding everyone not to pick the low down fruit because a dog or hedgehog might have wee’d on them. Nigel has taught her well.
Admittedly not all the blackberries picked get home to be washed, as Young Master Bertie tends to consume them as soon as they hit his basket, but Nigel has also taught his beloved niece and nephew that you also have to eat a peck of dirt (and the odd accidental worm or spider),  before you die.  What is he like?
Darrell is eagerly awaiting, with jam jars waiting, the ripening of the plums that also grow along the road, but they are not quite ready yet.
There are also elderberries aplenty, however these are a bit beyond us …….. we think that you can tread them like grapes to make beverages of an alcoholic type nature ……..
……. but, I have told Darrell in no uncertain terms not to get any bright ideas, The Towers is far too bijoux to be housing any bubbling demijohns  he may be thinking about in order to concoct exotic elixirs for his collection of cocktail ingredients.

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Well ….. We’re Here …..

We promised at the end of July to be here on September 1st …… so here we are …… but where on earth did August go?
It just seemed to disappear in among all those wonderful, heady, swelteringly hot school holiday days, spent largely at the water park, sand pit and practising our circus skills, picnic baskets akimbo in Abbey Park with our beloved Little Miss Iris and the Young Master Bertie.
Mum has had a good rest  and in the end, over a coffee and hobnob, had to admit that she had indeed missed accompanying us on our many adventures ……… so …….. has agreed that we can continue said adventures on a weekly basis on a Monday.  Let’s just say it was an emotionally charged moment where noses had to be blown very hard and eyes nabbed in synchronised tandem.
However, in order to help Mum out, we have appointed Nigel, being the smallest, to be out and about as our resident rouge roving reporter. We got the idea from our favourite page on Facebook “Spotted in Evesham” …….
IMG_8572 ……. and since Nigel has always been our number one spotter of the bizarre, funny or thought provoking, he was the oblivious obvious choice for the job.
He’s a little nervous, but he is taking the responsibility very seriously.  In the meantime Darrell and I will stay with the more domestic happenings of The Towers …… however, I dare say there will be certain times along the way that we will all want to be involved in and no doubt some weeks where there may be an extra post or two, we shall see, but for now, there should be a post at least every Monday.