Darrell was out and about in town, taking in all the charity shops, looking for some choice pieces for his upcoming seasonal autumn/Halloween and Christmas displays, when what did he spy ………..
…….. ONLY a Pope plate!!!!! His heart almost skipped a beat ……
……. as it was the very same (RIP and beatified) Pope, Hugh had received his proclamation from.
It was only £1, and to be honest I am really surprised when no considered purchase was made, either as a gift for Hugh or for Darrell himself, as he does have a penchant for a bit of religious kitsch, but then perhaps favours the Mary side of things rather than the papal variety. He did say that he did think long and hard about it, both for Hugh and himself, envisioning how either of them could incorporate it within their very carefully curated displays …… and then didn’t really like to ask at the counter if the plate stand was included in said £1.
I just hope he doesn’t rue his decision, as Pope plates aren't easy to come by and you can be sure as eggs is eggs that it will be long gone if he does suffer any non purchasers regret!