Well, the good news is that the faulty shower was replaced, no questions asked ………
…… and last night the new one was expertly fitted by Mr Tom the Plumber, who has told us that we really need to drop the formalities and just call him Tom, because after all his visits, endless cups of tea ……and mopping up tears we feel almost like family.
However ……… there is a sting in this tale …….. there has been yet another unexpected problem …….
……… to wit, the waste pipe now appears to have sprung a leak! Tom has told Darrell where to go to get new one, along with a photo sent to his phone of the offending part as a reference and said to call him as soon as we’ve got it!
I am trying to be calm and philosophical. Darrell has reassured me that after this ….. nothing else could possibly go wrong ….. but to be on the safe side, he will leave me some of his brown paper bags to breath into just in case I have a bit of a wobble while he is out shopping for said new waste. What would I do without him? After this is all over I really owe him something “nice”.