Hugh left us this morning to return to his showbiz life in Notting Hill. To be honest, it was all very, very, emotional and not really a pretty sight to behold, Nigel described it quite succinctly as a “snot fest”, consisting of much aforementioned snot, plus tears, tissues and blood shot eyes …… hence no pictures, at Hugh’s agents insistence, he said, that Hugh’s parting should be kept as a private moment!
Once we had recovered sufficiently, I felt that we needed something to occupy our minds, as I felt that there could well be further weepage in the pipeline if not carefully reined in …….. I decided, that with Hugh very much in our minds, we should perhaps give some thought to our Christmas present to him. There followed much robust debate ………..
Nigel suggested a set of fluffy, pink seat covers that he had seen in Motor World’s window and which were on special offer, a good idea, but as Hugh is usually “sent a car” or helicopter for most of his appointments, we felt that him giving them to his driver/pilot before every journey may take up too much valuable time and fiddling about.
We weren’t getting very far, what do you buy someone who has got everything and always insists that we are not to get him anything anyway …….. even though we do!!! In the end Darrell said he was just nipping out, he’d had an idea.
…… and bought back …….. a tube of pink Smarties, totally inspired, not embarrassing expensive or pretentious ….. just something pink as it is Hugh’s very most favourite colour of choice. They could be decanted into any of his cut glass bon bon dishes, and put in any room of his house and we would know they would co-ordinate ……. and what better gift than chocolate, something to bring a nom to his heart and soul!!