Mellors was banging until well after midnight, but in the morning when Hugh and Darrell went outside, the fruit of all Mellors work was revealed ………
……… Hugh was almost beside himself ………
……. and Darrell was completely floored ……..
…… Hugh had only got himself a small swimming pool …….
…… and all that was left to do was fill it ………
…….. and this, Mellors told them would take quite sometime and it was a very good thing that Hugh was not on a water meter.
In the meantime, Hugh suggested that perhaps Darrell would like to join him in watching a particularly tense round of University Challenge that he’d been saving for a special occassion ……….
Darrell was a little taken aback, University Challenge not being on our usual list of quiz shows, but politely replied of course, if Hugh didn’t mind waiting a couple of minutes while he’d changed into something more comfortable for such a viewing.
Most of the questions were well out of Darrell’s comfort zone, but fortunately Hugh was enthusiastically throwing answers, right or wrong, at the tele so quickly, that Darrell felt as if he didn’t really need to answer them as well, although, bless him, he did know that the world’s largest potato producing country was China and that Australia is the only continent in the world without an active volcano.
It was a sort of bonding, first ever experience for Hugh and Darrell ………
…… but Darrell couldn’t help feel a little relieved when it was all over and Hugh suggested they look in the fridge to see if there was anything of a light snack type nature because using his brain in such a quick fire way always gave him the munchies! What is he like?