Friday, 31 July 2020

All Is Revealed

Mellors was banging until well after midnight, but in the morning when Hugh and Darrell went outside, the fruit of all Mellors work was revealed ………


……… Hugh was almost beside himself ………


……. and Darrell was completely floored ……..


…… Hugh had only got himself a small swimming pool …….


…… and all that was left to do was fill it ………


…….. and this, Mellors told them would take quite sometime and it was a very good thing that Hugh was not on a water meter.


In the meantime, Hugh suggested that perhaps Darrell would like to join him in watching a particularly tense round of University Challenge that he’d been saving for a special occassion ……….


Darrell was a little taken aback, University Challenge not being on our usual list of quiz shows, but politely replied of course, if Hugh didn’t mind waiting a couple of minutes while he’d changed into something more comfortable for such a viewing.


Most of the questions were well out of Darrell’s comfort zone, but fortunately Hugh was enthusiastically throwing answers, right or wrong, at the tele so quickly, that Darrell felt as if he didn’t really need to answer them as well, although, bless him, he did know that the world’s largest potato producing country was China and that Australia is the only continent in the world without an active volcano.


It was a sort of bonding, first ever experience for Hugh and Darrell ………


…… but Darrell couldn’t help feel a little relieved when it was all over and Hugh suggested they look in the fridge to see if there was anything of a light snack type nature because using his brain in such a quick fire way always gave him the munchies!  What is he like?

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Mysterious Developments A La Chicken Coop

Hugh had said it was a wonder Mellors hadn’t woken Darrell up with all his rigorous banging, especially as he’d been hard at it since seven o’clock that morning ……


……. but, could Darrell guess what Mellors was up to?


Darrell answered that it might be some decking to extend Hugh’s patio area, but was wrong ……. Hugh, almost fit to burst, asked him to try again …….


…… but try as he might Darrell just couldn’t get it right, it wasn’t a new sunbathing area for Hugh’s beloved Bassets, nor was it a small amphitheatre for Hugh to stage private productions for his guests, neither was it a Tiki Bar, although, Hugh did hint there could possibly be a tiny element of Darrell’s guess in the finished project.


In the end Hugh declared that although it was killing him not to say, as Darrell hadn’t guessed correctly he would now make him wait until Mellors had done a bit more before the big reveal …….


……. and in the meantime did Darrell want to see the latest tool Hugh had bought Mellors at the start of meltdown, something he knew Nigel would go absolutely nuts about ……


…….. and …… just in case Darrell was wondering, it had nothing to do with Mellors current task in hand ……. what a tease!

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Romantic Surroundings ……

Hugh had put Darrell dans his newly decorated “Boudoir de la Française” as he had come to christen it.

Paris Map Bedding

With its beautiful Parisian style bed linen, a hundred and one plumped and primed posh cushions plus a retro kidney shaped dressing table with original curtains ……. Hugh certainly knows how to put a “look” together thought Darrell.

French Boudoir

Darrell said he almost felt as though he ought to wake up speaking in French tongues, but then thought if he had, it would have looked either very pretentious or as if he was taking the pee, which he certainly was not, he was simply a little overcome by the evocative ambiance it aroused (???)

Paris duvet set

Hugh came in at around ten thirty, worried that he hadn’t heard Darrell moving around but was happy to find that Darrell was just sleeping in ……


……. blaming it on the wonderful Worcester fresh air and counting the bleats from the sheep in the field across the road for making him feel extra sleepy and laid back.


Hugh announced that there was avocado toast with a poached egg waiting for them downstairs and that Mellors was doing something very exciting outside that he was beyond desperate to share with Darrell ………

Tuesday, 28 July 2020


Darrell and Hugh Reunited …….

After soooooooooo many weeks/months in meltdown Darrell has finally made it to Le Chicken Coop, Hugh’s Worcester bolt hole, a million miles away from the, now sadly, almost non existent showbiz pleasures of London.


I don’t know who was the more excited about the reunion …….


……. but as soon as Hugh, who was waiting by the gate, caught the first glimpse of Kata’s car coming down the road he rang the bell that he had Mellors, his man what does, put on the gate, so he could thank the NHS in his own inimitable style on a Thursday night when all the clapping was going on, like a monkey possessed ……..


…….. it’s a wonder that they couldn’t hear him over in Malvern!


From what I understand it was a very emotional reunion ………


……. yes, they had Skyped and whatsapped, as well as phoning constantly during meltdown ……..


…….. but it was never the same as actually being together.


I understand that they talked so much that in the end Mellors had to ring Hugh’s bell as hard as he could in order to let them know that he had put their supper in a basket by the gate and all they had to do was put it in the microwave for three minutes …… and he hoped Hugh could remember where the plates and cutlery were kept,  but he really had to go, as Mrs. Mellors was waiting for him ………..


What are they like? 

Monday, 27 July 2020

Piers and Abutments

With Darrell safely ensconced a La Chicken Coup with Hugh, his best friend and mentor of all things de rigueur and a la mode, Nigel has been at a bit of a loose end, but yesterday while out walking along the river looking for swimmers he happened upon a very interesting poster.


It seems there has indeed been a purpose to all the comings and goings we’ve been observing (and recording) under our bridge, which now we’ve had a think about it, must have something to do with the floods of October 2019 ……

Work on Evesham Railway Bridge Network Rail

It seems that our frontal footpath is to be closed from tomorrow (28th July) in order for Network Rail to work on “the pier and abutments”, how exciting is that?


And, it’s going to be closed for at least 22 weeks but no longer than six months! That’s a awfully long time, which in turn will mean a lot of river bound manly activity …… and, dare I say, much observation of a window type nature chez The Towers.  Nigel is going to be beside himself, however I have already told him that the provision of abundant but prohibitive trays of tea, coffee and chocolate Hob Nobs cannot be a neighbourly option, over the coming months the odd wave and cheery hello will have to suffice.

work on Evesham Railway Bridge

This exciting development also beggars so many questions, like what about all the fisherman and their weekend matches, will the trains still be able to run, what about all the boats that continually pass under it and what about the swimmers???

……. AND what are the chances of them giving us a zip wire (as Mr D suggested only last week) to make the school run that much easier? Some very interesting days ahead no doubt  ………

Friday, 24 July 2020

Living La Vida’lerta–Darrell’s On Trend Silver Nikes.

So……. while Darrell has been in his room rigorously self quarantining in preparation for his stay with his best friend and mentor of all things de rigueur and a la mode Hugh, at his Worcester bolt hole, he has not been idle having spent copious hours online ordering, and yesterday, with his visit imminent and feeling contamination free, he was finally able to unveil one of his most carefully considered purchases ……..


……. to wit a pair of very striking silver Nikes, after Hugh had informed him, via Skype, that metallic was soooooooooooooo in this season, it was stellar!


His little face was just like a dog that had been given two bones as he proudly modelled them for me. Let’s just say he was certainly rocking the ermmmmmm, zebra print pirate with metallic accessories look like a ‘gud un’!


Of course, I could be mistaken, but I thought that the Barbour jacket, Hunter boots and a flat cap was the general attire amongst of the country set, but there again, what do I know? It was so nice to see Darrell so happy and full of excitement for the week to come, especially after our long confined meltdown, who was I to rain on his parade by questioning his chosen staycation wardrobe.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Living La Vida’lerta– OMG …… Lynx Africa and Marmite Shower Gel, In More Ways Than One ……..

Oh my goodness, the excitement that thronged through The Towers yesterday afternoon when our lovely neighbour Kata knocked on the door  telling us she has a surprise for us was almost at fever pitch ……….

Lynx Africa and Marmite Shower Gel.

……….. she reached behind her back to only present a bottle of the much sought after Lynx Africa and Marmite shower gel …….

Lynx Africa Marmite (1)

Let’s just say it was emotional, very emotional, and tears may have been shed!

Lynx Africa Marmite Shower Gel (2)

Darrell, now in his final day of self inflicted isolation, was desperate to know what was going on when he heard all the commotion, and when Nigel took the Holy Grail of all Marmite Lovers in to show him, it again became emotional, not even Hugh, Darrell’s best friend and mentor of all things de rigueur and a la mode, with all his connections, had not been able to secure this prized commodity.

Lynx Africa and Marmite Shower Gel not for the faint hearted

When all the brouhaha died down it was time to delve deeper, Darrell and I were pretty certain that despite it’s contents the shower gel would either be clear or gently coloured, however Nigel “pondered” and poured out a little ……. Darrell and I were wrong, the contents were dark brown, and to be honest completely unappetising in a smear all over your body and cleanse type way, plus it didn’t smell too good either.  Ewwweeeeeeeee, what had our enthusiasm got us in to?


In the end Nigel drew the short straw to try it out ……… he proclaimed it to be most unusual, it lathered up well and no doubt washed all his bits perfectly well, even if he really didn’t feel it.  It was, he said, probably just psychological……

Nigel in the shower

……. but in the end he simply had to shower all over again but with our usual brand of shower gel and I had to agree, much as we all love Marmite, we much prefer Nigel (and our good selves) smelling of fragrant roses and gardenia as opposed to whiffing a little on the unsavoury savoury side, if you know what I mean?

Not, I am afraid, one of Marmite’s best ideas and lesson learned, from now on, we will be VERY careful what we set our hearts on!!

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Living La Vida’lerta–Never A Dull Moment!

Contrary to what it must appear like it, we don’t actually spend all our time curtain twitching ……….. it’s only now and again(….ish), and then it’s generally at the back, as nothing  really exciting happens at the front …..


……. but yesterday Nigel was beside himself as there was much manly activity under the bridge, across the other side of the river, in the form of some very robust log lifting ……. in fluorescent boiler suits and hoodies ……..


…….. and didn’t really care if he was regarded as a twitcher or not.


I suppose I should to be grateful that although the opposite bank is probably less than a hundred yards away as the crow flies, it’s good forty minutes to actually walk all the way round ……..


…….. otherwise young Nigel would be over there like a shot, full of his usual awe and wonder, hi-viz vest and hard hat on from our Girl’s High School days, absolutely desperate to be asked if he’d like to winch, splice or jigger something ……….


……. and then would you believe it, those pesky swimmers decided to to take a breather right in front of The Towers, about half an hour after said logging ended ……


……… Heaven help me!

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Living La Vida’lerta – No Fillings Today Mum!

Just before meltdown we decided it might be best if we each cancelled all our six monthly dental check ups and scrape and polishes.

We had no idea as to when we might be able to rebook, but last week Nigel was the first to “get the call” to say they were back in business and would he like to come on down and show them his molars as they’d missed them!  Well, it would have been rude not to wouldn’t it? 

Active Smile Evesham

At the appointed time he was to arrive in his mask (not in evidence in the above picture, sorry) and ring the bell, where he would be met by a member of staff, to have his temperature taken and asked if he had any Covid 19 history, symptoms or recent contact with anyone who had.  Then, at the appointed hour he was allowed in to sanitise in an empty and very quiet, (no audible drilling sounds), waiting room, he said it made him feel a tiny bit exclusive but also a little bit spooky, like there had been a Zombie Acropolis!


Needless to say Nigel’s mouth, as expected, was given a full bill of health, so they’ll see him again in six months time.  His only regret was that the huge bowl of free toothpaste samples that he likes to plunder for holidays and weekends away wasn’t anymore, either because they knew he was coming or more likely, to prevent the cross pollination of patients, perhaps next time Nigel, just in time for the New Year!!!