The every day stories of three every day monkeys ..... embarking on a whole series of new adventures after swapping the pleasures of Wolverhampton for a more peaceful, bijoux, riverside way of life in Evesham.
With all this snowy weather I’ve had to stay in quite a bit so my mate came round with his Scrabble board, which is very pink!
We’re only good with three and four letter words.
And it takes us ages to put a word down.
I can do: inn, fort, ton, not and torn, if I can fit them in somewhere.
FORINT! We sometimes play dual language, except my British Scrabble doesn't have Ñ. I once got a 7 ltter word in Spanish. What about playing rude Scrabble with swear words?
Love scrabble. Mt board is obv. very out of date, I didn't know you get the game in colour!
We sometimes play dual language, except my British Scrabble doesn't have Ñ. I once got a 7 ltter word in Spanish. What about playing rude Scrabble with swear words?
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