Friday, 22 October 2010

Darrell’s Advertent £9.50 Sun Holiday in Mudeford – Part 7 – Flaky Fudge

Auntie Jan is very good to me and Monkey and very often goes to the shops to get things we would like but can’t reach. We are quite short and some shelves are quite high, but Auntie Jan, being an ex police officer, is quite tall, with a commanding air and so high shelving and their contents have no mystery to her.
So when she said “ If you see any flaky fudge while you are on your advertent holiday, can you get me some.  It’s my confectionary of choice at the moment but as there’s not much demand for it in Stafford or Wolverhampton, confectionary establishments are reluctant to stock it as it goes stale quite quickly”.  I felt  her sadness and made it my mission to bring her some back……
Picture 728
And ……. I found it …… in this BRILLIANT shop, look at all the wondrous jars! (however …. you will notice the New Berry Fruits on the counter, yuk, yuk, yuk, not my confectionery of choice EVER, they make me gag, it’s a texture thing).
Picture 729
I asked the lady for 400 grams and explained that flaky fudge was a rare commodity in the Stafford and Wolverhampton area.  She said “Yes, I know, it goes stale quite quickly, but we have a high demand here, I think it must be all the people from Stafford and Wolverhampton coming to get it!” and popped me a small piece to try, nom, nom, nom!

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

It looks like a proper old fashioned sweet shop. Mind you, 400 grams - should be half a pound if you ask me.