Saturday, 23 April 2011

Dragon’s Den, Here We Come!

Picture 106
We thought it would be a nice idea to make a few badges for our special friends with our pictures on.  We also thought that finding pictures to fit our template would be easy too, but we had to fiddle quite a bit on the computer before we could get started, it's a good job Darrell is quite good on the computer.
Bandai Badge It!
We had to cut out our pictures to fit the template.
Bandai Badge It! 1
Then pop all the bits and pieces into the badge maker, keeping our fingers crossed that they would turn out ok.
Bandai Badge maker
It was very exciting to see how they turned out and our next job was to stick the backs on. When we are famous,  we will probably have a team of “backstage” people who will do this for us.
Monkey Badge
Our picture isn’t very good, we can assure you that we don’t really look like wanted criminals, it’s just the way the light fell on the badges as they sat on the table.
Making a Simple Keyring
Buoyed up by our badge making success, we thought we would have a go at making a keyring with a blank our friend Hugh (who lives in Notting Hill with dreams of a celebrity life) sent us.
Monkey Keyring 1
We think they look very professional. In fact this could be the start of Monkey Merchandise Inc. I wonder if The Dragons would be willing to offer us a deal?
Dragons Den
We would like Theo to take us on if they did, we wouldn't waste his kids inheritance!


Angie said...

Love those badges ...they would be fools to ignore you.xx

Mr.D said...

You certainly don't look like criminals - not like on passport photos.
Looking good - what next? Tee shirts? Caps?

Monkey said...

Monkey here,
Iv'e just been down to the photo booth outside my local supermarket and had my photo taken for my passport. You can tell its me cos I'm wearing my glasses.