Last night we gave a lot of robust thought to our New Year restitutions, but surprisingly, for us, no heated debates ensued ….. the celebratory Vimto and Bitter Lemon we quaffed copiously must have had a very mellowing effect on us.

Most our restitutions had some connection to our Last Vegas Holiday of a Lifetime Holiday, I have restituted that I will diligently maintain an up to the minute 2013 calendar, so that we all know exactly where we will be on any pertinent or prominent day, as Darrell, in particular, is a little prone to getting his dates mixed up …. and I shall perform this important task via the magic of the new Last Vegas calendar now hanging in our kitchen.

Darrell has vouched safe and restituted to learn the street plan of Last Vegas like the back of his hand, studying each section of it and then cross referencing it with places of interest in our guide book, like Ethel M’s Chocolate Factory, thus ensuring that we don’t miss ANYTHING of a tourist type nature while we are there!

And Nigel? ….. He has restituted, with the aid of a Dictaphone and American phrase book (when he gets one) to learn and speak the language as fluently and near native as he can, with a polished James Cagney type accent ….. so that it looks like he has made an effort and has embraced the culture.

He is also taking his bridesmaid duties in the summer very seriously, and is about to set himself a rigorous regime of learning the intricacies and art of petal scattering
and taking and holding the bridal bouquet at the appropriate time ….. what is he like?
Here’s to 2013 and all who sail in her!
.......let's hope the waters are calm as I intend to float away on full sail with her......Last Vegas, exciting, can't wait!
JantheFan x
p.s. Happy 2013 to all fellow followers of the bestest, brilliantest, blog in all the biggest, widest World!!! from JantheFan x
Will Nigel use Jimmy Cagney expressions too?
"You dirty rat." He never actually said this.
""Made it, Ma! Top of the world!"
Wishing you a Happy New Year. This is a most imaginative and amusing blog and it has amazing ideas and thoughts.
Jan said it perfectly: this is the bestest, brilliantest blog in the whole wide web world!...I can see Nigel as James Cagney and also know he will be practicing his wedding duties until he is perfect! Good for Darrell, learning Las Vegas in and out (don't forget to visit the BELLAGIO and the New York replica area)....we can rest assured with Monkey having full charge of the travel dates/times...We will all be sailing together with dearest Monkey, Darrell, and Nigel in 2013.....Happy New Year to all there and to all devoted Mum's Monkey readers around the world!....Much Love..Dianne
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