Yesterday we had the most mahoooosive glitch in our blogging system and were
forced to post, fascinating though was, one of Nigel’s ponderings …… when it was, of all days Darrell’s birthday!!! Totally, totally unbelievable!!!

However, we are now able to share the joy with you …… all be it a day late ….

After he had opened his card from us …we let Darrell open what he thought were his main presents, some of his favourite facial wipes for his strict cleanse and tone routine, some Jammie Dodgers, his current biscuit of choice and some strawberry flavour pencils, especially chosen by Nigel as they are
his confectionery of choice at the moment and on special offer at our village Tesco Express, what is he like?

Then, with all the unwrapping done, we dropped our birthday bombshell on Darrell ….. we told him that we had also secured him a ticket to see The Rolling Stones in Hyde Park! We knew how much he wanted to see them before they were really too old to play anymore….but the cost of a ticket was a little too prohibitive for him on his Confidential Shredder Operative wages! ….. Lets just say, at this Darrell released unbridled emotion, and leave it at that!

Once he had gained his composure, it was time to light the candle of birthday light on Darrell’s birthday cake and for him to make a wish ….. “I really don’t need a wish after all this” he sighed “I am so blessed in a Hello Magazine type way …. I shall make my wish for someone else ……” and then sniffed a little more and blew the candle out.

It really was a morning wrought with raw birthday emotion ….

…… but there was
still more to come …….
to be continued……
Hmmmmmmm that cake looks yummy - lucky Darrell! Happy Belated Greetings - and WoW The Rolling Stones???? How Rock'n'Roll is that?! JantheFan x
Happy belated birthday Darrell. What wonderful presents.
Hopefully he doesn't decide to keep some confidential shredder documents and blackmail people to improve his wages.
The Rolling Stones can use their OAP bus passes to go to the concert. Mick Jagger has a house with a great view of the Thames. Maybe Hugh has been to a showbiz party there.
I'm sure that Darrell got plenty of satisfaction from that lovely looking gooey birthday cake!! Hope it didn't give him gas, gas, gas!!!
Looks like Darrell had a great day thanks to all of you! What a great birthday pressie and the cake looks really scrummy.
Sending belated loving Birthday Wishes to you and hoping the Rolling Stones surprise brings unforgettable memories......so lovely your Natal day with loved ones was special.....Dianne
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