With our return to work Nigel was finally been separated from his bespoke suit, which, you'll be pleased to know, is now in the capable hands of the local fumigators dry cleaners. It was perhaps fortuitous that Nigel was robustly taken by the ice cream that was served at Buckingham Palace, not only as a pleasurable comestible experience also as a potential work based substitution consideration and keen to show Cook.

Now, Cook already stocks a very acceptable small tub ice cream in the freezer, alongside with Jubblys, however Nigel noticed that the Queen’s snack size ice cream of choice comes with the spatula secreted within its lid ……

…… which,
if Cook embraced …. would relinquish Nigel from his spatula/tub allocation duties, which in turn would give him more time to concentrate on his sauce rotation ….. with the view of perhaps introducing horseradish and sweet chili in the near future!!!!! What is he like?

It has to be said that Nigel put forward a very convincing argument to Cook …..including a PowerPoint presentation with accompanying National Anthem.

Cook in turn, said she would give the Marshfield Farm ice cream her due consideration,
but added that she hoped that Nigel’s star-struckness of all things of a royal type nature would end at recommending Her Majesty’s ice cream because
any suggestion that the kitchen start serving cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off might not receive such a receptive reception!!
Nigel can certainly wax lyrical and be most eloquent when needed.
Ha, ha - go Nigel. Lifting things to a higher social level will be a quest for a while to come I suspect :) xx
Holy Cow! Nigel pulled out all stops and Cook is going to find it hard going to resist this all out campaign!......the cucumber sandwiches are a good bargaining chip......you can take the boy out of Buckingham Palace, but you can't take the Palace out of the boy!!!Nigel knows the high life and isn't going to give it up....Love Love that stripey shirt...Dianne
love that ice cream well done Nigel its a befitting ice for ladies of a posh school type and we are loveing your new out fit so on trend in a london laid back sunday down the pub way or eveing by the thames big love marc
Maybe her Madge is partial to a tub of posh ice cream every afternoon.
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