Yesterday, when I went to fetch a spare loo roll, I was rather taken aback to discover that we appear to have something of a strange and and as of yet unexplained phenomena in our bathroom ……
I don’t think it is anything to be overly worried or concerned about, but we appear to have a flashing duck situation!

Even more perplexing is that we cannot find a button or a switch that might cease the flashing ……
So really, we can’t do nothing except allow nature to take its course and let the flashing to continue, whilst naturally enjoying a few debates, though none particularly heated, and sharing conspiracy theories as to what bought on this unprecedented incidence of random duck flashing!
"A Flashing Phenomena In Our Midst."
The headline had me worried and thinking that Nigel was up to no good.
Looks like Hugh had an extra surprise planned for you........flashing ducks in the bath are sure to bring a smile.....a fun mystery here and there can make the day....Hooray for Hugh and this bonus duck fun!.......Dianne
I would like to see flashing duck - think I might have to go down to the local pond and secrete myself in the bushes! JantheFan x
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