Nigel came home last night is a complete state of flux, he’d nipped into the poundshop on his way back from work and had treated himself to something he had wanted for ages …….

……… to wit one motion activated ornament of two tweeting birds! However, when he first tried it out, it didn’t work, no matter how much he moved about there, wasn’t one single tweet, but when Darrell delved into it’s machinations he discovered that the batteries were decidedly on the rusty side…….

….. but fortuitously, or not so fortuitously depending how you look at it, Darrell had some spare batteries in his room, and so Nigel’s momentary moment of grave disappointment was quickly and simply relieved, and then Castle Greysquirrel was filled with the sound of tweeting birds when any one of us so much as moved an inch.

Nigel is not much of an ornithologist, I think it was the aforementioned motion activated tweeting that attracted him to this objet d’art rather than the species of bird ……

So I am leaving it up to Darrell to tell Nigel what sort of birds they are ….. when he undoubtedly does!!
A childhood fascination for sure!'s own tweeting birds at one's beck and call or slightest Happy Nigel!......are these tweeting birds going to reside in his bedroom or is their tweeting destined for one and all?.....Love, Dianne
Oh Boyz -As good old Dick Emery used to say - 'Oh you are awful but I like you!' You do make me laugh so. I much watch out for those birds myself! JantheFan x
You can play games to see if you can approach the box without it going off.
Is this really Nigel?
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