After their day spent cruising the pleasures of Shrewsbury, Hugh and Darrell returned to their hotel in very buoyant mood, partly fuelled, I am afraid, by Hugh being much taken with his new “cocktail” of choice “zee half of zee lager no?” A very unexpectedly and pleasurable substitute for his usually de rigueur “….. champagne avec everyzing!” with Darrell not needing any encouragement to follow suit!

So …… an ever so slightly intoxicated Darrell decided to share the further pleasures of the hotel’s complimentary toiletry tray with Hugh …….

…… namely the two bonnet de douche that were included …….

“Oh Darrell, mon ami, what are yoooooooooooooooooooooooo like?” sighed Hugh admiringly through his lager goggles ………

“Simone Cowelllllllllllle and I
never do such things together, no? ……. You make me smile sooooo much and are sooooooo funny, my sides are, how you say, splitting me! Ven I return to Notting Hill and my showbiz life, I will have to be telling him zat he is juste toooooooo boring, no, and a mud in zee stick!!!!!!” …….. which he then followed with a chorus of hiccoughs and much giggling.
Oh good grief, what are they like together, I despair!
True friendship when one shares zee bonnet de douche .......looks like a good old fun fest they're enjoying .....truth be told, Simon C. just can't match Darrell's charm and Darrell wouldn't ever be a stick in the mud! .......Dianne
It is fun being silly drunk - not that I have done it for a while.
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