The every day stories of three every day monkeys ..... embarking on a whole series of new adventures after swapping the pleasures of Wolverhampton for a more peaceful, bijoux, riverside way of life in Evesham.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
A Couple of Days In Evesham ……We Are So Proud …….
Baby Iris has got her first swimming certificate …….
She’s a “Level 1 Turtle Tot” !!!!!!!!
We are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very proud!
Monday, 30 March 2015
A Couple Of Days In Evesham
Since we are not at work for a couple of weeks I decided it would be nice to accept Tom and The Lovely Laura’s kind invitation for Nigel and I to spend a few of days in Evesham with them and Baby Iris before the “touristy” season began …… but don’t worry about Darrell being left out, as he will be off soon to London to stay with Hugh, his best friend and mentor, who lives the showbiz life in Notting Hill.
And then, as we walked through Evesham to Tom’s and said Lovely Laura’s, Nigel and I couldn’t help admire it’s proper river, with its romantic bridges and boat cruises in the summer ……. it was almost like being on a “really holiday”, but not that far from home, if you know what I mean and it made me go a little bit goosepimply.
I suppose I was beginning to feel the spooky Derek Acorah allure that Tom and The Lovely Laura must have felt when they were looking for a place to settle down with Baby Iris.
Sunday, 29 March 2015
Nigel ………. The Village International Daffodil Rescue
The first day of our Easter holidays …… and it’s raining!!!!
However, the rain has done nothing to dampen Nigel’s holiday spirit, now resplendent in his Easter t-shirt (a gift from our friends Dianne and Christopher in sunny and romantic Florida), because …… he is now a monkey on a mission!! As you know, he has always shown a keen interest in the daffodils that grown along the verge across the road from Castle Greysquirrel …..
……. because for us, they are the first indicator in the village that spring is finally on it’s way …… but, tempting as they are, Nigel is not allowed to freely avail himself of them, unless they have fallen irretrievably or the stems have broken completely.
Saturday, 28 March 2015
The Very Hungry ……………… Easter Caterpillar?
To say, that this week, in the office, it has been akin to being an extra in the making of the Very Hungry (Easter) Caterpillar with Nigel in the lead role would be an understatement!!!
It’s a bit of a romantic, Easter tradition amongst the office ladies to pop small seasonal dainties on each others desks during the last week before the Easter holidays………
….. and that said tradition includes Nigel, even though he doesn’t even have a desk in any office ………
……… because, everyone just adores him……. and his erm …… robustly healthy appetite!
However, with such bounty, I felt it best to insist that Nigel bring all but the cupcakes and hot cross buns home …….
…… in order that his festive consumption can be carefully monitored ……..
…….. and that not all his comestible intake over the next two weeks is not solely ………
Friday, 27 March 2015
Easter Hampsters Akimbo!
It has to be said that this week our office has been robustly awash with, what Nigel likes to call, chocolate “hampsters” !!!!!
Thursday, 26 March 2015
Nigel’s Most Amazing Find To Date!!!
Nigel’s long run of finding “interesting” things of an abandoned type nature continues …….
……. yesterday, he couldn’t believe his eyes when he found the most romantic, rusty trunk he has ever seen, which almost blocked the pavement and his safe passage to work!
Nigel immediately sensed that it was undoubtedly a trunk of untold history and great mystery that would undoubtedly yield great treasures, and Nigel being Nigel and emboldened by fanciful imaginings couldn’t help taking a peek at its contents (if any).
It yielded,to many very little, what looked like bike handles and an old bit fashioned drill ….. not quite doubloons or pieces at eight, but treasure indeed to a curious mind !!!
Sadly,(and maddingly for a totally entranced Nigel), the trunk was far too big for him to claim the ancient right of “finders keepers” and get home. With a bit of spit and polish it wouldn’t have taken much to do up. Sometimes having “the gift of finding things” can be a double edged sword sighed Nigel to himself, especially when you have to leave them where you found them!!!!
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
A Little Bit Late ….. But Finally, Our Magical Eclipse Report.
This was Nigel’s first ever eclipse, and he was determined to embrace it most robustly . He had been up to the Science department and asked for instructions on how to make a “safe” viewer, and then had come back to me in a state of flux, where we made one together, using our spookily poignant “eclipse” copier paper and a drawing pin to make a hole for the sun to shine through…….
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