There are an awful lot of teashops and cafes in Evesham, and I sort of think that in 2017 Darrell, Nigel and I should set ourselves the challenge of availling ourselves of each and every one of them. I think if we visited one per fortnight we could do it, if not all together, certainly in pairs.

So today I thought I would pop in and have a pot of tea at JellyPickleJam .

It did not disappoint, inside was very, very quaint, with decoupaged tables, odd chairs painted to match, upside down metal colanders for lightshades, bunting, vintage cups, saucers and plates and flowers on all the tables. I felt so at home.

As for the menus, well, the Vintage Cream Tea menu ticked all my vintage cream tea boxes ….. oh my goodness …..

….. for me, it would have to be the Countryside Tea, a cheese scone, a hot sausage roll, and handmade chutney, plus a cream scone or piece of cake to follow???? It’s a no brainer, nom, nom, nom. This is definitely a place for us to bring our guests for a treat when they come to stay.

There is also a lot going on with cooking and craft classes, children’s parties and pop in sessions for knitting, crochet and sewing, which would certainly be of interest to Hugh when he makes one of his state visits. They also do a community crop which turns your garden produce into jams and chutneys, how brilliant is that? If only we had a garden!

As I was saving myself for my lunch (and helping support Darrell on his weight lose regime) I just had a pot of tea, which came with a proper knitted tea cosy and milk in a mini milk bottle.
For the first teashop of the year, I think I struck gold ….. Dianne, in torridly hot and sunny Florida, you would soooooooo love this place.
16-17 Vine Mews, Evesham, Worcestershire, WR11 4RE