Monday 14 January 2019

The Towers Entertains

With memories of Christmas and our New Year revels rapidly ebbing way Darrell decided that to lift our spirits we should invite Little Miss Iris and Young Master Bertie yesterday to a special Cream Tea Sunday, but minus the cream, as they are not very partial to it, in fact they are all but strangers to the comestible.
……. and boy, the boy dun gud!
Darrell, needless to say, was the self appointed party planner and caterer, I was chief fetcher and carrier, table cloth ironer and general bottle washer ……
…… and Nigel was head nibble tester and entertainments officer ……

…… with responsibilities to the Pass the Parcel and the bubble machine departments.
It was all very romantically perfect, no ham sandwich was left unturned, no cocktail sausage left uneaten, and no Pringle unpopped.  Nigel’s Pass The Parcel was a triumph with all forfeits undertaken and prizes held close to chests. Yes, as I said at the beginning ….. the boy dun gud!  Happy Days!


Mr.D said...

Well dun Darrell. You have certainly dun gud.

CraftyCoffey said...

The Afternoon Tea looks like it was a huge success-perfect!!


Anonymous said...

Boyz if you would like to organise a special Cream Tea Sunday (with the cream though!) in my house you are most welcome. I'm waiting...JantheFan x