Thursday, 7 April 2011

New Clothes Bought From Ebay

New Clothes from E-bay
Darrell has been buying some new clothes from Ebay, at the moment his clothes of choice are smart shirts and waistcoats.  He is very sensible and has set a limit at £1.99 per item,  but always starts at 99p, hoping that no one bids against him.
Buying Clothes From E-bay
When his parcel arrives he gets very excited, and rushes upstairs to see if they fit.
Outfit From Ebay
I have to admit  he looks so different, all smartly dressed up, quite mature in a boyish sort of way.
Badge face
Looking like this how could Stacey Solomon resist his charms?


Mr.D said...

Stylish and with an elegant twist. You could be in a boy band, maybe with Hugh.
Ms.Solomon will melt when she sees you.

marc said...

She would indeed Mr D And a Boy band What a thing that would be as with all boy bands we wont need every one to have talent just one or two of us and the others could wing it on their boyish good looks and friends for ever routine
big showbiz wave Hugh

marc said...

She would indeed Mr D And a Boy band What a thing that would be as with all boy bands we wont need every one to have talent just one or two of us and the others could wing it on their boyish good looks and friends for ever routine
big showbiz wave Hugh