….. because Darrell has found the first Daddy Long Legs of the year to seek shelter and warmth on our landing windowsill.
I dared him to touch one of its legs, but Darrell said that he would have an attack the hebby-jebbies if it moved and started flittering and fluttering all over the shop ……. and as window is on the stairs, it would be a major health and safety issue if he fell down them during his said hebby-jebbies! So we are just taking bets to see how long it stays there without moving!
Botth Darrell and the daddy long legs could have a stay still competition. Who would win?
What is a female daddy long legs called? A mummy long legs?
MR D are daddy long legs a spider or a insect i say insect but they beef them selfs up by pretending to be big butch scary spiders big not to keen on any thing insectspider like love Hugh
Are you ready for some Science? Tom the Scientist may be able to confirm this:
Pholcidae are a spider family and they are commonly called daddy long-legs spiders.
Confusion often arises because the name "daddy long-legs" is also applied to two related groups: the harvestmen (which are arachnids but not spiders), and crane flies (which are insects).
I got help from Mr. Google and Mr. Wki for this.
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