Darrell was EXTREMLEY taken by an outfit he saw in a “fashion store” window in Wolverhampton the other day ……

…… and I was soooooo glad I was with him at the time, because if I hadn’t stopped him there and then, he would have been in there like a shot making a totally ill considered purchase!

I told him that I thought that this was the sort of fashion type statement that he really ought to run pass Hugh, his friend and mentor (who lives in showbiz style in Notting Hill) before any aforementioned purchasing was done………

….. as I didn’t want him to make any awful fashion faux pas’s. And, thank goodness Darrell took my advice, because Hugh nearly choked on his Moet and Chandon, and it took several robust whiffs of his smelling salts and much heavy fanning, before he could finally string a sentence together when Darrell Skyped him and showed him his photos ……… “Aghhhhhhhh, no, no, no, no, no, my dear, dear Darrell, vot ever zat is, it is not zee en trend or zee de rigueur, c’est une monstrosity! Looooook at ‘is pouch, ‘ow it is hanging too low, and zee length of zee vest, and zee bandana!!!! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo la, la, la, la, la, it is toooo much for my delicate tastes to take in, no? ……. Ven you next stay chez moi,, we shall go do zee shopping together no? Et, until zen, Darrrrrrrelle, you must promise on your very life, zat you will not, not, not go buy zee vest of a orange string type nature, no?” And then, at that, Hugh blew a few air kisses, before saying he now really ‘ad to go lie down for zee little while to recover!!!
Goodness gracious to me - all I can say is if Darrell had purchased the outfit I think one lady could have turned her hand at making a wonderful orange sting shopping bag out of one of the items - so all would not have been lost! JantheFan x
Mon Dieu!! words fail!.....thank heaven for Hugh.... this was a close call ....Darrell's enthusiasm might have been hard to contain without Hugh's de rigueur and on trend info, and good taste!..... whew! disaster averted.....Dianne
Crikey-I wondered what I was seeing for a moment! Lets hope this is a passing phase and Darrell doesn't end up looking like an extra from Village People.
Wise words from Hugh.
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