With everything under control in Evesham …….Hugh relishing his new role as Maiden Aunt to Baby Iris and Darrell on hand as his able and willing assistant should a pooey nappy arise, I decided it would be OK to take myself off to find a shop that Tom has been raving about ……..

……. namely, the Handmade Scotch Egg Company shop in Worcester, a scotch egg being something I am a very partial to for the odd impromptu, off the cuff , savoury supper …….

…….. but these Scotch Eggs, Tom said, were “well off the Scotch Egg scale! of Scotch Eggs” and he should know, being a scientific type nature!!

Let’s just say Tom’s comestible evaluation was indeed correct and that the much mentioned Scotch Eggs did not disappoint!

However, with over 30 different eggs to choose from I was quite a while at the counter deliberating and I am afraid a bit of a queue built up behind me!

But in the end I plumped for a Black Watch (black pudding and pork), a Sarah’s Crumble (peanuts, carrots, oats and Marmite) for obvious reasons, a Valentino (with cranberries & cheese) because it sounded romantic and finally an Old Fart (sausage, bacon, egg, beans and fried bread) because the name made me laugh!

Then I noticed the various preserves and sundries etc. I would have liked to linger longer and perhaps avail myself of a few of them, but there was now quite a lot of coughing coming from the queue that was still building up behind me and I thought it best to hurry up lest any of these ailing people took a turn for the worst!!!

There was much eggsitement when I got the eggs back to Evesham…… accompanied by much curiosity from Darrell and Nigel re: my very considered purchases …… I have a robust feeling that
all my Scotch Eggs will end up being divided into neat quarters …….. the only one not be that bothered was Hugh, who was too busy playing knocking down towers with Iris to take much notice!!!!
Eggcellent. How eggciting. Eggstremely eggsemplory Scotch Egg eggstravaganza. You must have been eggshausted with your shopping.
What a fascinating selection of flavours in Scotch Eggs, can't wait to hear the verdict on them all.
Scotch egg - baby Iris - scotch - baby Iris - Baby Iris would win hands down all the time. Good for Aunty Hugh! JantheFan x
This fab treat definitely calls for an in depth food review .....quite a selection and will be interesting to know the favourites and which to try next time around....... Dianne
Thank you for the lovely and very entertaining write-up, Mum's Monkey. The team at Egg’cetera are chuffed to bits you like what we do. We think you made a great selection, and please don't feel guilty for taking a while to decide - there is a massive amount to choose from and such decisions should not be made lightly! How did they all go down? Would you mind if we featured this post on our Facebook page?
I see this review was written a while back - did you know you can now also enjoy our eggs in-house? Since your post, we have since added seating and a proper coffee machine, and the shop has grown into a lovely informal eatery. We have a new menu this year which sees our take on a number of picnic classics paired up with lots of the lovely locally-produced sundries from our shelves. Next time you find yourself in Worcester, be sure to pay us a visit - we would be delighted to see you!
Many thanks,
Egg’cetera Supervisor
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