It’s come that time of year when we have to say goodbye to the fish for the winter

We stopped feeding them a little while ago, because, forgive me for going all piscatorial on you, the cold weather makes the fishes digestive system slow down and if they have undigested food still in them it can rot in their small intestines and kill them, and that would just be too awful to contemplate.

Nigel was upset not to be at this special “arrivederci”, but we promised to say adieu to each and every one, by name, for him, before they disappear into the depths of the pool for the winter.

I also decided that it might also be an opportune moment to collapse the washing line and bring in the pegs ……..

I’m afraid there won’t be much comforting billowing going on from now on and the smell of fresh washing, straight from the line, will be a stranger to us over the next month or so ….. such is life ….. as the seasons roll on …….!!!!
Mum's monkey is educational too.
Andy must have taught you well.
Winter has definitely arrived so it's goodbye to lots of things, fancy Nigel missing the fishy goodbyes.
The wonders of nature never cease to fascinate .....lucky fish to have your care.....even with some gray days, there will still be lovely autumn and winter garden views to enjoy....near record heat here, middle to upper 80's with heat index in the lower 90's.....waaay too hot !.....Dianne
Oh goodness this blog brings out so many emotions in me - why am I feeling sad for the fish???????? JantheFan x
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