Before we went away, I had checked on the blackberry situation and it looked very promising, but on our return Nigel decided to check too ……..
…….. let’s just say they are laden, with the promise of a freezer full of plum and blackberry crumbles in the bag, nom nom nom. They are a bit high up, so we aren’t completely sure how we will actually capture them, we may have to find a very long stick, do a bit of serious brandishing and then watch where said fruit falls to forage …….. but where there is a will, there is a way.
We also have yellow plums in abundance too ……. Darrell is currently looking for plum jam recipes on the internet, as we are not sure how difficult it is to make, but even one jar would be a momentous achievement and occasion, and we would be so proud!
The crumbles have my mouth watering!
So much fun to enjoy nature's bounty when it is a special gift that comes our end to Evesham's bounty!....enjoy the goodies ......Love,Dianne
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