Oh my goodness, I fear The Towers is in the midst of what could quite an ongoing en suite sage. Please bear with us (but keep your clothes on if possible) as we go through every grisly stage over the next few days, weeks …… perhaps even months!!!! Poor Darrell is feeling a very guilty for focusing on all the excitement of the frou frou last week, never considering what else could possibly be lurking behind our broken shower
First things first, we managed to find a tilerman of good repute to advise us re: the tiling…… but what he revealed, as he started to strip the tiles for his preparation made our hearts sink like leaden lead balloons, especially as we are very much strangers to the world of manly constructional pursuits. Our tile problems, it seems, were due to an ill fitting shower tray that had certain bounce to it, which in turn caused the grout to crack and water to seep behind …………..

This seepage has gradually turned the boards behind to mush (a slight exaggeration, but you know what we mean) and to add insult to injury, the boards really weren’t the best quality boards to use.
Now, not only do we still have to find a plumber to fit our new shower, we also need to get the shower tray re-set and stable ……. and then someone to remove all the boards and put up something more substantial …… that’s quite a bit to sort out!

With these unconsidered developments I could see that Darrell was trying very hard to maintain a stiff upper lip and keep it together, but after Mr Tilerman left I am sure I heard several broken hearted sobs coming from the other bathroom. What is he like?……. A strong cup of tea and a couple of hob nobs we’ll soon sort it out!
Oops. I hope it gets sorted quickly without making a big hole in the bank account.
A cup of tea is the answer to everything and if that fails....try Um Bongo?!
Oh goodness gracious me - can you see my shocked face? Nightmare in the shower room. Hope you get it sorted PDQ..........:( - but then again a few hob nobberly biskerets solves all the world's problems - sent a truck load to Mrs. May immediately! JantheFan x
Oh no! Never fear, it will soon all be lovely again. We had our Ensuite done last year by a very appalling company and nearly had a breakdown over it all, but I’m sure if you’ve got a good tiler he will do a great job and keep your stress levels to a minimum!
Don’t worry about the damp behind the tiles, it’s quite common if the tiles needed replacing. New marine ply boards will soon sort the problem for you x
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