Wednesday 3 January 2024

The Tide Is High ……….

Oh my goodness …………


……. as you can see, we’re having a very damp start to 2024 ………..


……… the river (Avon) is high, having reached the bottom of our steps leading to the footpath ……..


……. so obviously we are on river watch.


We really don’t want much more rain …….


…….. however, The Towers is at the top of a very steep bank and if the water did get to the top of it (a once in a hundred years risk),  the whole of Evesham and for that matter Worcester, would be in very serious trouble, but, for the moment, we have an ample supply of sandbags if needed.


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If it gets much higher, I think that the marina may have to move some of its ships into the basin, although looking at the pictures of our park, the river has already breeched the caravan park across the way.


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……. and no doubt, if the rain continues, our garden will be the scene of much serious debate of a Network Rail type nature, to see if the railway bridge needs to be closed should the water rise above it’s central island.

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Needless to say, we’ll keep you informed of all developments, but for the moment, I think we are pretty OK, although we won’t be venturing too far while it’s so wet and murky!


Mr.D said...

I hope everything goes well, with no call for wellies, waders, wet suits or snorkels.

Mr.D said...

P.S. "The Tide Is High ………." But are you holding on?

Anonymous said...

Oh my giddy aunt - lifebelts at the ready!!!! JantheFan x