Wednesday, 30 March 2011

News Of Stacey Solomon ….. Darrell’s Fit To Burst …..

 stacey-solomon-gmtvFor Badge
The Spring has certainly brought wonderful news of a Stacey Solomon type nature, putting a spring as springy as the springiest pogo stick in Darrell’s step ….. he’s beside himself with boundless pride, unbridled heartfelt joy etc. (his words, not mine!) and all that sort of thing, because it’s just been announced that Stacey has been awarded the Celebrity Mum of the Year title, ahhhhhhh …….  AND …… she is now The New Face of Iceland (the shop, not the country) …….. AND she is presenting a new celebrity talent show next month called “Sing If You Can” with Vernon Kaye (Darrell is not keen on him, and goes a bit moody at the mention of his name) ….. AND she’s started recording her debut album ……….AND finally, she’s got a lovely new car! It just doesn’t get any better than that, the girl done good!
There is just no doing with Darrell at the moment,  ….. he thinks that perhaps it all started for Stacey on this blog when he wrote his first letter to her and that the kisses he sent to her have worked ….........


marc said...

I am sure she is thankfull for all your help Darrell and i just know she will be great at every thing she does, her car has a crown on just like a queen would have big love marc

Mr. D said...

Ms.S looks to be talented and an award winning celebrity. What next?