Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Spring Is Sprung

Daffodils a
Life just doesn’t get any better than this …..
Picture 759
“And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils”


Mr.D said...

Wow - flowers AND poetry, how enlightening. What next?
Opera and philosophy?
String quartet and psychology?

A Curious Nigel said...

Do you have Daffordils in Mexico Mr D?

marc said...

I love daffs they fill me with joy every time i see them and i fill the house with them and lilly of the valley as they remind me of my nan lovely pics big love marc

Hettie said...

Those are gorgeous photos especially the last one!!!

Mr.D said...

No daffs in Mexico but we have flowers all year round as it is hot, dry and sunny in winter.