Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Spooky???? ......... I Don't Think So Darrell

Darrell was looking at the pictures I took of him the other day shirking feigning his disappointment  in not being able to go in the garden to do some much needed hoeing and weeding due to a very inclement downfall  ……
…….. and he asked if I had noticed anything strange when I was taking said photos, as he is now convinced that they reveal clear and unequivocal evidence that he was in fact surrounded by spooky Derek Acorah type orbs, which, more than likely accounts for his strange feeling of foreboding as he was reaching for his fork and weed bucket  ……. what, what, what ……. is he like!!!!?????


Mr.D said...

Yes, and the Loch Ness Monster is in the fish pond.
Is that Bigfoot I see lurking at the bottom of the garden?

PharmacyMichele said...

Oooooh-a bit dramatic eh??!!


Anonymous said...

this line of excuses does have possibilities for interesting future "tall tales"......where oh where will this lead?.......Dianne