Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Darrell Trials A Few Beauty Products

As you know Darrell is a robust metrosexual, taking  great pride in his meticulous male grooming, so when Hugh, his best friend and mentor, sent him a huge pile of skin products to try he was thrilled beyond belief!
IMG_6316 I have to say, some of the items were, how shall I say ………
……. a little unusual to say the least …….
…… however, if anyone can rock covering his face in snail trail ……….
…… Darrell can ……
……. and I can’t wait to see, and perhaps even feel the results once he has started to use them!!!!


Mr.D said...

Snail slime on my face?

No thanks!

PharmacyMichele said...

Goodness-some of Darrells beauty products sound good enough to cook with. I’m looking forward to hearing what he thinks of them all.


Anonymous said...

Oh my giddy aunt - whatever next???? I dread to think! JantheFan x p.s. I hope no snails were harmed in the making of the product!

Dianne said...

Darrell's beauty products quest is going in some adventurous directions! .....snails as facial care?? who knew......keep us informed of any specials finds that are must haves!....Love, Dianne