Tuesday 23 February 2021

Snickers White Limited Edition

This week, we are embracing, as our comestible, chocolatey snack of choice Snickers White Limited Edition bars ……..


Darrell found them, while out on his weekly essential shop in Home Bargains for just £1.49 for a pack of five and it would have been rude not to logically purchase two of said packs, thus alleviating any risk of unseemly squabbling over the remaining two if he had only bought one!


They are exactly the same as a normal Snickers in all their peanut, nougat and caramel glory but for a limited time (we presume) they have been entombed in ‘a rich, white chocolate’ covering …… and as you know, we are extremely partial to anything of a white chocolate type nature.


They were not found wanting in any way and so did not disappoint, in fact Darrell has strict instructions to look for another couple of packs when he is out next week! We have also heard on the grapevine that there are White Lion Bars afoot too ………all I can say is thank goodness we didn’t decide to give up chocolate up Lent!

Our score on our world famous Richter Scale of Noms ………a hare’s breath 10.56 square cubits!

1 comment:

Mr.D said...


Mind you, give me a "normal" Snickers, or Marathon, for that matter, any time.

Some of you know my thoughts on the whole white "chocolate" business. White chocolate is not real chocolate, no matter how many Milky Bar kids say otherwise.

White chocolate is an oxymoron, in my view.