Wednesday 22 September 2021

Treading The Worcestershire Grape?

The grapes growing aloft in Hugh’s little veranda vineyard are his absolute pride and joy, grown, “according” to Hugh, from pips he spat out and saved following a Tesco substitution, when black seedless grapes were temporarily out of stock …….

UK Grapes

When they are at their optimum stage of ripeness he had high hopes of harvesting them and then treading them, in order to home brew some of his own wine, Chateau De Chicken Coop Deux Mille Vingt-Et-Un having a certain ring to it!

Vineyard in Worcester

He was thinking about inviting all his neighbours from far and wide to come round for a bit of a soiree and tread his said grape in his currently empty swimming pool ………

Treading the Grape in Worcester.Treading the Grape in Worcester

Darrell had to admit he wasn’t too sure about the idea ……….

What's He like

……. Hugh was brimming with enthusiasm, but had he really thought his health and safety through properly, a crowded grape filled pool of strangers, treading with a devil may care, Worcestershire gay abandon? It would probably be the most exciting night they’d had since Karina and The Waves won Eurovision in 1997, it could be risky!  Hugh said he’d think about it some more.

Two huge vases

He’d put the exclusive wine bottles he’d had specially blown back in their boxes for a bit while he pondered, perhaps he’d just ask his “man what does” to tread them for him.

IMG_2579Worcester pear tree

Then wondered if he should also put his dreams of producing his own select vintage demi brut pear champagne and a possibly acclaimed tanquillo apple prosecco on hold too, as the fruit would undoubtedly be an awful lot harder to tread than grapes, especially when his “man what does” already has a wonky ankle.


What is he like?


For once Darrell chose to simply admire Hugh’s large, autumnal, pink blooms and let Hugh work this quandary out for himself …….

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

Impressive ambitions, Hugh!

Maybe companies that produce their own wine, vintage demi brut pear champagne and tranquillo apple prosecco, would tread/mash/mush/squash the fruit and send it back, ready for the next stages of production that could be done my Hugh. (i.e. his man that does.) At least this would save Hugh's MTD's ankle.

"VINTAGE demi brut pear champagne?" Hugh would have to put it in his wine cellar. Is he prepared to wait for something like four to ten years, before he drinks it?