Monday, 24 April 2023

Yet Another Tick For Nigel’s Mug ……

Though keen to be witness, in real life, to all the regional highlights featured on his precious 50p Weymouth charity shop mug …….


……. Darrell and I have had to prepare the little fella for the fact that there may be some places that sadly have to remain a mystery for this visit at least, being left as pleasures for another time perhaps………..


Nonetheless, today we were able to help further his quest by managing to avail ourselves of a most excellent vista from which to view the famous White Horse…… TICK!


While Darrell and I got the sandwiches and flask out, Nigel immersed himself in all it’s majestic history and recent restoration (for the 2012 London Olympics).


However, after some considered and quiet observation it seemed to Nigel that said horse was a little more anatomical than he’d expected, what is he like? So it was left to Darrell, while trying to keep his face as straight as possible in order to save young Nigel’s feelings, to point out that what Nigel had thought was the horses, erm ……. oddly positioned “appendage”,  was in fact the King’s foot (sat in a stirrup). Oh my days, where on earth would we be without our little innocent friend?


Mr.D said...

It is a fine foot.

And a fine white horse.

Anonymous said...

Oh I say - well I won't. It all looks rather - em, handsome. JantheFan x