Sunday, 23 September 2012

Continuity Controversy … We Present You With The Inscrutable Evidence ….

Yesterday we had a couple of comments that appeared to highlight the apparent lapse our usually impeccable continuity,  in which it appeared that Darrell had changed his shirt mid post! This aforementioned apparent lapse would indicate that a certain laissez-faite attitude had crept into our blogging …. which filled us with an unbridled and robust sense of horror …..

Continuity ControversySo we feel that we should take this opportunity to point out that in the first picture of yesterdays post, it was Monkey who was looking in despair at Darrell's drying toupee on the line followed by subsequent pictures, of Darrell checking on the progress of his drying!
001However,  we suspect that this very simple explanation may not satisfy the more probing and observant  of our followers, who might still be saying “Nah, they are just using a pretty lame excuse of mistaken identity to cover up a blatant (and for them surprising) error in their continuity!”….. so we have decided to go one step further in an effort to exonerate ourselves with the use of quite intrusive photographic evidence pointing to three of the key identification marks that characterise the difference in our personage ….
forensic EvidencePicture No. 1 –  notice that we are both wearing the same shirts as we did in the garden ….
001 - Copy (2)Picture No. 2  - your  attention should be drawn to the unsightly skin tags on Darrell’s left ear …..
small hole to headPicture No. 3 – points out a small but non life threatening orifice hole in Monkeys scalp which could easily be put right with a small procedure if he so wished, but as it doesn’t really bother him, he has not sought any surgical intervention … yet!
dodgy seamPicture No. 4 -  finally Monkey also has a very distinctive  and uneven line running up the back of his head, he was to quote Sir Lady Gaga “born this way” , and as such embraces it as part of what makes him …. him!
Mums MonkeySo, we hope we have vindicated ourselves and our “perceived” error …. by opening ourselves up to a close and candid physical scrutiny, hitherto unseen on this blog before.  In turn we have come to realise that we cannot afford to be in any way lax or shoddy in our presentation as it will undoubtedly be spotted and our reputation for high standards called into question and/or be potentially besmirched  …. which for us would be sooooooooooooo shameful!


Anonymous said...

Well I never! JantheFan x
I am just about speechless with laughter.

Anj said...

ditto JantheFan !! x

marc said...

well that makes it easy for any one to monkeynap you i would have kept such info to my self it will be harder now for you to do the double mix them up throw them of the scent a ant-monkeynabing ploy that my boady gaurds use when i am scared of being taken against my will its a ploy all us famous peps use look at tom cruise carfully some times he is a few inches taller big showbiz wave Hugh or it could be Hugh stand in

Mr.D said...

I knew there was a logical explanation. You could work with Tom the Scientist with such photo evidence.

Sarah said...

I automatically thought the second picture was Darrell yesterday! Thanks for pointing out your differences though - very interesting, and amusing! :-D

Anonymous said...

Proof positive, without a doubt...Tom must be so proud of you for the in depth proof offered...Tom,
Sherlock Holmes and any and all famous detectives, and famous forensic scientists couldn't have done a better presentation of the doubt whatsoever on this side of the pond!....Dianne