Thursday, 25 January 2018

All’s Going Well

Work on The Towers bedroom renovations is going well …….. no accidental drilling into water pipes or gas mains.
……. Darrell can hardly contain himself, seeing all his design dreams coming true.

I have to say that he hasn’t got under Mr Pete’s feet once but instead has filled his time making sure Mr Pete has been swimming in hot, strong, builders tea (no sugar) and the odd Hob Nob and Caramel Wafer or two.
……. while waiting patiently for Mr Pete to finish his days work before finally going in to the room and marvel at how things are going ………..
……. and quietly counting down to when he can add the fripperies!!!!


Mr.D said...

Exciting. A proper carpenter too, just like Karen or Richard.

Dianne said...

AAAHHHH.....Darrell does know the way to Mr. Pete's heart! doubt the work will be his very best.....few things as exciting and make the heart pound as all new storage areas! ...WOOHOO! Love you, Dianne

Anonymous said...

Lols at Mr.D. Loving the way your are rocking those boots there monkey......JantheFan x