Monday 17 October 2022

A Monumental Eurovision Decision

Darrell and Nigel were away in Dawlish when Grahame Norton opened the golden envelope to pronounce that Liverpool was to host Eurovision 2023 (our most favourite televisual night of the year). The Eurovision Song Contest  of our dreams was finally back in the UK after way too many years ………. all of which, you can imagine  gave Darrell, in particular, much food for thought.


Although ticket sales are yet to be announced, Darrell it might be apropos and forwarding thinking  to secure a room for a couple of nights at our Liverpool hotel of choice (The Liner) in advance of our getting any tickets.  They’ve never let us down before, but sadly on this occassion, there was no room at the inn!


Undeterred and buoyant Darrell Googled onwards ……. Oh My, Oh My, OMG…….


Every flipping single, hotel in the whole of Liverpool was fully booked for said Eurovision weekend ………


…… all that is/was left appears to be apartments and houses on the outskirts ……..


……. but the prices they were asking, even if there was a group of you to help split the cost,  was way, way, way out of our league!


For the price of just two nights of Eurovision, wonderful, romantic and exciting though it might be, we could also enjoy the pleasures of (the way prices are going up) one, two or possibly three Greek Odysseys??!!!!


It was a real reality check, much as we LOVE Eurovision we had to be sensible.  Of course, not everyone who has already booked their hotel will even get any tickets, but as sure as Abba won in Brighton with Waterloo, prices won’t go down.


With that Darrell had a very long conversation with Hugh, his best friend and mentor of all things of a Eurovision type nature and with whom we have shared so many glorious Eurovision nights a La Chicken Coop ……..

Mum's Monkey: Not Quite Goodbye For One Of Us ........

…… and that’s where we’ve all agreed to spend it again …….. Darrell, after all, went to Stockholm in 2016 (where the hotels were charging “normal” prices) and  he mused, that it was, perhaps, too special and magical an experience to even dare try to repeat again, just in case it didn’t  live up to his memories.


So there you have it, the decisions a “gud un” and our hard earned cash is safe and sound to enjoy on other sensible, reckless pursuits!


Mr.D said...

Eurovision- excellent!

Liverpool hotel prices - outrageous!

How about booking a late-night train to a nearby city, where you can stay at sensible prices?

Anonymous said...

Probably an excellent decision as all the hotels in Southport are fully booked too plus they’re charging crazy prices.


Anonymous said...

Oh shame, I was wondering if you would try and get tickets. It will be a party city for sure. You want to put Rylan's new book, TEN, on your Santa list - he writes a lot about Eurovision in it. Great read! JantheFan x