Thursday, 21 September 2023

Failure Of A Serious Portal Nature ………

Oh dear …….. we had our official Door Safety Inspection this morning ……….


……. and, no reflection on our tenure whatsoever (it’s hereditary from well before we move in), but we and one other flat failed completely, which means we need the whole new door, which in turn means some great expense! So, zut alors, as they say en français, but what price peace of mind and our safety?


It’s also unlikely that we would be able to get a panelled door the same as the original as they have to come from Ireland usually with a 16 week wait and quelle surprise, at exorbitant cost ……….


So, Darrell has decided that if we are going to have to look different from the rest, at our expense, we might as well do it with a gay abandon, so when the colour chart comes …….. it’s going to be either fuchsia pink, aqua or purple (but not aubergine).  What is he like?  Naturally when said colour chart arrives, you, of course, will be the first to know! 


Mr.D said...

Oh, dear. What a pity. Is it worth trying to get your door fixed, first?

I hope 'im upstairs, old misery guts doesn't complain about the colour. Check the rules and regs, before you commit to dayglo yellow or shocking pink.

Anonymous said...

There's always an upside to everything and a bit of colour always brightens the mood I find. You'll feel like you're stepping into another world once you get your new door! JantheFan x