Wednesday 5 May 2021

Hungarian For Cheese ……..

There has been a little too much cheese based innuendo for my liking chez Towers ever since Nigel overheard Kata, our lovely neighbour across the hall, asking her little boy if he would like some more cheese. 


Let’s just say that poor Nigel almost fell out of his deckchair and sprayed the tea that was in his mouth all round the garden ……. when it appeared that Kata was using some very uncharacteristically dubious language within his earshot.


Sooooooo, we have now learned that the Hungarian word for cheese is “sajt”, as simple as that ………..


…….. but when said aloud it comes out as “sh**te”!  Hence the aforementioned aghast Nigel, such words being total strangers to The Towers and the ears within ……….


I’m just going to let him get it out of his little system for now …….


……… but, if he continues to tell Darrell that he only fancies a “sajt” sandwich, omelette or toastie for his lunch for much longer I might have to put my foot down!  What is he like?


Mr.D said...

Snigger, snigger. Although, if asked, Kata probably thinks it sounds rather different.

SeasideKaren said...

Lol, naughty Nigel!!!! Thank goodness Iris and Bertie didn’t hear....if my grandson Harry had been in earshot, he’d be asking his Dad for a sandwich just like Nigel! ����

Anonymous said...

What can I say - young Nige....all ears! JantheFan x