Friday 7 May 2021

Nigel Finds …….

Yesterday, on the school run, Nigel found a gentleman’s jacket of a fleecy fabric, zip front with collar type nature, hung up on one of the ornamentally guarded trees on his route at around 2.30pm


This sort of discovery always worries Nigel a little  as he certainly wouldn’t dream of “casting a clout ‘till May is out” especially when, despite all the sunshine we’ve been enjoying, there’s still a cutting bite in the air, especially in the evening.  Someone was probably feeling a bit cold.


However, much to his relief he saw that the jacket had gone by the time he walked past on his return journey back to The Towers.


Hopefully, the remiss gentleman (or even lady) who had dropped/mislaid it had retraced their steps and was now reunited with it and an awful lot warmer.

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

Hopefully, "All's Well That Ends Well," in the words of William Shakespeare.