Friday 11 March 2022

Free Knitted Toys ……..

It’s usually Nigel that does the “finding” when he’s out and about, but this morning it was my turn. One of the charity shops in town was given a huge box of knitted toys, but unfortunately because none of them had a CE tag with the fibre content and care instructions on, the shop was unable to, so they were giving them away for free.  It broke my heart, thinking about all the hard work and love that was put into each and every one.


So, although it didn’t feel quite right to “just” take, I thought it might look rude not to have a bit of a rummage, perhaps to find a “snuggly” in need of a new home, where no one cares whether it has a CE tag or not. I was, of course thinking of Nigel, who would have got in a terrible state had he known about the shop and toys predicament. 


It didn’t take me long to find the most perfect one for Nigel, with Easter in my thoughts, a funny, little, yellow rabbit just leapt out at me, the likes of which I knew Nigel could/would take to his heart, they were made for each other. I then put a donation in the box on the counter as I really couldn’t take it for “free”.

Knitted Yellow Rabbit.

Said rabbit just needs a ribbon for round his neck and perhaps a carrot to hold and then I’ll put him away until the appropriate time…….

KNitted Yellow Rabbit

……. but I won’t tell Nigel the story behind him, because if I do, he’ll just worry himself silly about all the other toys who may not have managed to find a new home. What is he and I like?


Mr.D said...


I hope everyone else, who picked one up, did the same as you and made a donation.

Anonymous said...

So very sweet and thoughtful. I think young Nige will be thrilled. Hoppy Easter...when it arrives! JantheFan x