Monday 7 March 2022

The Flying Scotsman Returns To The Towers

On Saturday morning, at approximately 10.40, The Flying Scotsman made a jubilant return to “our” bridge ……….

It was almost too romantic ……..


…….. and emotional for words ……….


If Darrell had had a white petticoat, I swear he’d have ripped it up to use as a flag to wave to all the people who were enthusiastically waving down at him…….


He was fair got carried away by the occasion ……. I’m sure he wiped away a tear or two as it went past, but I tactfully pretended not to notice.

What is he like?


Mr.D said...

Excellent! How did you know that it was about to pass? Was it in the local press? Or did Hugh have a contact?

It wasn't exactly flying, although it was pulling a fair few carriages. I hope that they don't decide to re-name it "The Scotsman."

The Railway Children came to mind, as you, no doubt expected.

Anonymous said...

Oh how very, exciting!!! JantheFan x