Friday, 1 April 2022

Friday Night’s Going To Be Cocktail Night ……….

You find us in buoyant mood this morning, ready for an interesting Friday night!

Friday Is Cocktails NIght

Yesterday, while Darrell was having a bit of a spring clean, he happened to glance in our cocktail accruement drawer and found, hidden in the corner, a game he’d had for Christmas, that he’d put in said drawer for safe keeping while tidying up on Christmas morning, with the full intention of getting it out over the holiday, but somehow, in all of the excitement forgot all about it! How very, very, very remiss!

Cocktail DiceCocktail Dice Game

However, it’s re-emergence and spirit will perhaps be much more appreciated now that we’re more contained, rather than during the festive season when “anything goes” …… and did!

Cocktails Game

Now, as we are very partial to the odd cocktail or two and Darrell prides himself on being a most excellent mixologist,  it wasn’t too difficult to collect the whole plethora of alchofrolic spirits, vodka, whiskey, tequila, gin and rum ………


………. plus the same in mixers:- coke, orange juice, lemonade, tonic and lime that was required for the game …….

Cheeky Little Cocktail

……… where the object is to simply shake the  four dice provided and create a cocktail using the ingredients printed upon them ………. simples!

LOndon Dry Gin Cocktails

We aim to start at around 7.00 – 7.15, when the washing up should be done  and we’ll be in our loungewear, for comfort. Needless to say, we have a no plans for the whole of Saturday whatsoever!  What are we like?


Mr.D said...

Enjoy! The game kit should include a few headache tablets, too.

Don't forget to drink plenty of water, before you go to bed. And have painkillers ready, for when you wake up.

Anonymous said...

All sound advice from Mr D - sounds a like a great game to share with good friends - I'll pull up a chair shall I???? JantheFan x