Monday, 13 November 2023

Nigel Finds ……….

It seems quite a while since Nigel has “found” anything on the school run, but yesterday he was in luck, of sorts ………


…… in, the guise of an upright Hoover, in, according to the note attached, good working order, free, but without attachments.


Needless to say there then followed a feverish exchange of text messages plus a phone call between Nigel and Darrell. However after a little toing and froing, it was decided, in the end,  that though very enticing, Darrell holds a great fondness for his faithful old Henry, they’ve been together for at least twenty years, and to add an interloper to our already pretty full hall cupboard might be tempting fate and that perhaps it should be left for someone else’s delight. 

I don’t think it took that long, as said Hoover was gone by the time Nigel passed by later with Iris and Bertie in tow, but they were still treated to Uncle’s Nigel’s tales of what might have been and the fact that he’s not lost his knack of stumbling across the usual and unusual, the useful and the well past it’s sell by date and,  on occasions, downright strange, you’ve got to love him!


Mr.D said...

Never mind, young man. It was worth considering.

Nigel certainly comes across plenty of stuff, when he's out and about.

Anonymous said...

Always on the lookout - exactly as it should be. You never learn or see anything if one's head is always focusing downward! JantheFan x