Friday, 9 April 2021

Freedom ………

Unhindered by the rigours and restrictions of the school run Nigel has been able to enjoy an unfettered and unbridled I Spy adventure in the company of his beloved niece and nephew, Iris and Bertie.


Bless him, he’d spent most of last night, after tea, putting together a whole list of things they could look out for while they were out on walk round their estate.


Some things were pretty easy to spot like red cars, daffodils and hanging baskets, while other things had to be really looked for, like snowflakes, garden gnomes and men wearing red trousers ……


…… all without realising they were also taking their daily exercise and breathing in all that wonderful, fresh spring air.


And the reward at the end of it all? A long run round the park ……. what’s that Uncle Nigel like?


A chance for Nigel to catch his breath and have a little sit down, those kids can move flipping fast when they are on a mission …….


……. before checking the depth and optimum squelchiness of the child tempting Peppa Pig type puddles, declaring it was “Time to go home for a cheeky hot chocolate and one or two Hob Nobs”  seeing as no one had their boots on,  leaving yet another adventure for yet another day  Happy days!

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

Superb job, Nigel! And the muddy puddle looks like fun, too.

When I was young, we used to get Eye Spy books, for long car journeys, holidays, and the like. Most enjoyable.