Wednesday 2 June 2021

Hugh and Meghan Sparkle?

What have Hugh and Meghan Sparkle (though not a personal friend) got in common?


……. the answer, they both keep chickens, although it has to be said that Hugh has had his for considerably much longer than said Sparkle.


And, whereas Sparkle’s are rescue chickens and more than like, well passed their egg laying days, Hugh’s are home hatched and will, in time, will provide him with all the eggs he needs,- as in the past.


Sparkle says she likes to be able to “live authentically” and that she finds it “really fulfilling and about getting back to basics” Hugh told us but he did it “basically” because he just likes eggs, scrambled, fried, boiled, poached and occassionally coddled ………


…….. not to mention that they look really cute when they are old enough strutting around in the garden looking for worms.


However, it has to be said that the one thing that the much mentioned Sparkle and Hugh have in common is that both are of most probably very much strangers to having to clean out their designer coops out in person, themselves!!!!

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

And the eggs must be very fresh, too.