Tuesday, 25 July 2023

All Mod Cons Chez Hotel

We don’t lounge round or actually use the swimming pool chez our hotel, lovely as it is, preferring, to be honest, the unfettered expanse of the sea, being at one with nature, au naturel!


However at breakfast, in between whatever food station he is currently working his way through ……….


…… Nigel has become fascinated by the underwater vacuum cleaner they use to clean the pool first thing in the morning, before allowing anyone so much as to dip their toe in the water.  How romantic, yet so practical is that?


Darrell has also been taking some very serious notes for his best friend Hugh, mentor of all things of a chlorine, piscatory and the latest gadget type nature, as this is usually the time of year when he sets his “man what does” to erect and fill his temporary swimming pool at Le Chicken Coup for the summer.  He might just want to avail himself of one to keep said pool in pristine condition.


While I, on the other hand remain far more interested in my, as always,  wonderful Greek breakfast!  American style pancakes (Greek style) with gallons of drizzled honey, this morning, of which I managed a very satisfying half dozen, before moving on to all the other exciting breakfast comestibles. 


What are we all like?


Mr.D said...

An "underwater vacuum cleaner?" Also known as a pool filter?

Those breakfasts look wonderful. I'm sure that I would overindulge.

Anonymous said...

Oh I say - I've just looked up, Underwater Vacuum Cleaners, never heard of such a thing - but them again I'd probably be having a Greek breakfast too. JantheFan x