Thursday, 30 June 2022

A Most Unsavoury Find

Please note, this post is not for the squeamish or faint of heart……

It’s been quite a while since Nigel has “found” anything of note and in this case he rather wishes he hadn’t actually stumbled upon this particular item while on the school run with young Iris and Bertie ……


When finding a wallet it’s usually customary to take a closer look, just in case it contains anything of great import or that helps to identify the original owner.


Nigel thought it best to place it on a nearby wall, so should the said owner happen to be in search of it, it could easily be spotted.  Then…. he looked inside and immediately recoiled, something Nigel doesn’t do very often. ………


…… to find, two 5p pieces and two very dirty, joined up false teeth type things with screws fixed in the bottom. Eeeewwwwwweeeeeee!  He immediately felt very soiled and reached for his sanitiser, dousing Iris and Bertie in it too, even though they hadn’t actually touched anything.  It was the find of nightmares and in some ways a lesson learned about being a little too curious.


Iris, bless her, is very much into detectives and mysteries at the moment and so wrote up an inventory for Nigel’s perusal when they got back home, just in case anyone should post that they’d lost a wallet on the Evesham Noticeboard page of Facebook.  Nigel, bless him, thanked her politely and commended her civic spirt  ……. and then went off to have another scrub of a surgical operation type nature!   Yuk!

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Some Things ……..

Some things, even when they proclaim to be of a confectionary type nature ………..

Sour Brain Freezers

…….. are best left a mystery ………

Brain Lickers.

…… even to Nigel’s very enquiring mind, NOT EVEN for a confectionary review!

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

An In Flight Staple……….

With our three years in the waiting return to our beloved Greece sort of soon, we’ve, to be honest, had our euros and suitcases packed for a while now, but with all the delays and kerfuffle at the airports in the UK, we are understandably very nervous. All we can really do now is hope that the Greek God and Goddesses are looking down on us kindly and offer safe passage.


However, in order to help keep us all in a positive frame of mind, Darrel has been in tangible and palpable upbeat mood as well as a man on a mission.


Now, our very favourite treat of choice, once the seatbelt sign goes off at 37,000 feet and the refreshment trolley starts to trundle down the aisle is a giant Twix with a just about palatable coffee, however we’ll be honest, we always balk at the price of said Twix, giant or otherwise.  So this year, after downloading the in-fight menu to peruse the prices and finding that a 50g Twix is £1.50, Darrell decided enough was enough and that he’d harness his pre-holiday jitters by trying to find the equivalent of Twix for a lot less, thus ensuring us the opportunity for more gyros when we get to Crete.

for book

Nigel,  was doubtful and said it couldn’t be done, he said Darrell would either only be able to find the usual 2 pack of normal sized Twix’s or perhaps a multipack of single (but still normal size) Twix fingers, but giant in-flight Twixes,  no way!

IMG_2237 - Copy

Oh he of little faith! This morning Darrel returned home from town in buoyant and tres jubilant mood having secured three packs of 75g Twix Xtra for just 59p each……… not only saving us a mahoooooosive, above the clouds  £2.63, but also gaining an extra 75g (25g each) of noms and now all packed safe and ready for mid- flight consumption in Darrell’s hand luggage. What a shopper! What a hero! 

……. and what are we like?

Monday, 27 June 2022

Polish Heritage Celebrations In Evesham

As the weather was just too wonderful over the weekend Nigel decided to take Iris and Bertie to the Polish Heritage Day in Evesham …….


……. there were balloons, beautiful national costumes, traditional songs to be sung…..


…… folk dancing ……


……. unbelievable cakes and biscuits  …….


AND ………


……  a bouncy castle in the spectacular upstairs “banqueting hall” (?) of the Town Hall.


At first he said it felt a little strange to bounce with so much unbridled, gay abandon in such salubrious surroundings, but once he’d let go of his inhabitations, it was absolutely brilliant  ……


So brilliant, that it would have just looked rude not to pay for another go ……… followed by another slice or two of traditional cake!  What is he like? Happy days,

Friday, 24 June 2022

Nigel Tackles A Very Different Sort of Prawn ……..

Young Master Bertie had set his little heart on teaching poor Uncle Nigel just the rudimentaries of a game of chess.

Cheess For Begineers

Now, where Nigel will think nothing of spending hours playing all manner of board games with the little ones, Mousetrap, Build a Pizza, Cluedo, Haunted House etc. ……..

Chess For Idiots

……. he just couldn’t get his head round this one, even though we had all very much enjoyed watching “The Queens Gambit” on Netflix a while back, in fact we binge watched it. 

The Queen's Gambit

A very patient Bertie explained the rules and regulations to the little fella in the very simplest of terms, but nothing made sense

PrawnsChess For Dummies.

In the end the closest they got to playing a game was setting up the board…..

The Queens Gambit.Chess For Dummies and NIgel

…… before Bertie finally admitted Nigel had defeated him, in more ways than one.

Chess Grand master

Poor Nigel, he so wanted to prove himself to be a Grand Master, but any suggestion of moving his “prawns” just made him think about what he’d rather order instead from takeaway menu of The River Avon.  What is he like?

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Marmite Graze Crunch

Our televisual snack of choice this week, whilst enjoying our new guilty pleasure, “Is It Cake?” is Marmite Graze Crunch, as discovered by Darrell in Home Bargains. It was quite a bargain, as Darrell only paid £1.79 for per pack, whereas, from our research, it can cost anywhere between £2.50 to £3.00+ in other fine establishments.

Marmite Graze

We are truly obsessed with the stuff, as it satisfies our love for all things of a crunchy Marmite (our savoury spread of choice) type nature,  made up of mini broad beans, roasted corn and corn hoops in said scrummy, yummy yeast extract seasoning.


It’s pure heaven in a resealable bag, which to be honest is pretty superfluous since we never leave any of an evening to seal up.  What are we like?


There is really no need to give Marmite Graze Crunch a score on our world famous Richter Scale of Noms, because it’s sheer perfection ………

Marmite Graze Crunch

……. to be honest, even thinking of scoring such pure excellence would just be plain rude and an insult!  We LOVE it!

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

No Nom Nom

Nigel couldn’t help but notice that the sweets on the display in the post office looked a just little faded and rather unappetising ……


…… and as he was waiting in a long queue to buy a book of second class stamps for Darrell, he said that curiosity got the better of him and he felt compelled to check the date on the back of them.


There was surprisingly another couple of months to go, despite the Dolly Mixtures and Assorted Foams looking pretty lacklustre and as if they had gone all hard. A touch too much sun perhaps, although the unit was no where near a window?


Needless to say, no considered purchase was made, however Nigel thought he’d keep an eye on them, especially after his days in the Girls High School kitchen where stock control and rotation used to be his thing. He noted how many packs there were on said Dolly Mixtures and Assorted Foams pegs to see if anyone was tempted by the rather wan products in the coming months.  What is he like? 

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Chinoiserie Chic ……

Darrell’s came back from his weekly Charity shop mooch this morning with the most mahoooosive smile on his face as he’d found, after talking to Hugh his best friend and mentor of all things de rigueur and oriental,  the most perfect, perfect, perfect Chinese robe for the lounging there of.


He was, he said, with a huge flounce and dramatic flick of his fringe ………

Chinese JacketNew Chinese Jacket

……… going to embrace and flaunt the latest salvaged Chinoiserie Chic look round The Towers this season during our down time……

Suits You Sir

……… all for 40p!


I have to say I rather like it, it really suits him, giving  him a very definite air of gentility and calm. 40p? It would have been rude not to!

Monday, 20 June 2022

Evesham’s Axolotl And Reptile Rescue Centre

It’s been a long felt want of Nigel’s to visit Evesham’s Axolotl and Reptile Rescue Centre since it opened just up the road ……..


……. and what better opportunity than on Saturday when the centre was having a bit of a fundraising day and we had Iris and Bertie over.


It did not disappoint. 


There were talks and handling and feeding demonstrations…….


…….. with snakes, insects, lizards and an iguana, who obviously adheres to a robust five a day regime not that dissimilar to ours. 


Iris, as per usual was fearless ………


….. however, due to his own diminutive size and the way he thought said iguana, though strictly herbivore, was “eyeing him up”, Nigel felt it best not to get too close, just in case!


Cakes were bought, the weight of sweets in a jar guessed and then Uncle Nigel won a rather large gummy snake on the tombola.  To date it still remains in it’s packaging, Nigel said that after the wonderful afternoon Iris, Bertie and he had had, it seemed a touch cannibalistic for them all to tuck in, with their usual wild and unabandoned gusto, somethings are best, perhaps, left a while, until at least some of memories have faded everso slightly.  What is he like?