Thursday 16 June 2022

Not The Best Of Ideas ……

Iris’s very favourite confectionary treat of choice, on the school run, from Uncle Nigel’s “magic” bag is a Dip Dab, usually 5 for £1 in Home Bargains.

Barratt Dip Dab

Now, Uncle Nigel would move heaven and earth for his beloved niece and nephew …… so when he spotted this giant Dip Dab packet in Gummy Gumdrops window, he could just imagine the look on little Iris’s face if he turned up with it at the school gate ……..

Barratt Dip Dab.

…….. unfortunately, after enquiring within, it was, sadly, not for sale, perhaps no bad thing, if the little fella wants to keep his job and Iris her teeth!


Mr.D said...

I can't quite see how Nigel would have got that huge bag to the school gate. In old parlance, he would have done himself a mischief. He would have had a hernia and needed a truss. (Not a Truss of the Liz variety, however.) the bag normal size and has Nigel shrunk? WE NEED TO KNOW!

I used to love sherbet, dip dabs included, as well as Sherbet Lemons and Sherbet Fountains.

Anonymous said...

I used to enjoy a cone of Rainbow Drops after school - oh happy days. JantheFan x