Thursday, 18 August 2022

Moving On Up …….

Nigel hasn't been on the school run route for ages, well, there's no real need to venture on them there streets with no school, but when he did, look what has happened in the meantime  ………..


…… our florist of choice and creator of the best window displays in Evesham, that always have Nigel in artistic and floral raptures has moved on …….


…….. up to The Vale, hopefully he can still pop by now and again to see what they’re up to, but for now it’s a waiting game to see who moves in next …….. something interesting, different and innovative we hope, because Evesham, in our opinion really doesn’t need another yet nail salon!


Mr.D said...

It is a pity that Nigel won't be able to look at the window display every school day. He could consider it more of a special occasion, when he does see it, however.

Nigel's nails always look good, too me. And Darrell's are even more finely manicured.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm looking forward to what or who moves in....JantheFan x