Monday 16 January 2023

The Tide Is High ……. But Not Alarmingly So

With all the rain we’ve had of late, we’ve been sort of expecting a visit from the fluorescently clad Network Rail team, who keep an eye on our beloved and in our opinion, beautiful bridge on such occasions.


Darrell said they weren’t too concerned, the water hadn’t reached the white marker on said bridge, so for now there were no worries, just so long as the water stays more or less where it’s supposed to be, however, they would continue to monitor it carefully.  Needless to say, we’ve also checked our ample supply of sandbags and we are A OK.


On the Workman Bridge in town, Darrell could see that the river had also risen there, but we’ve seen it like that many times over the past six or so years we’ve been here, so nothing dramatic.


Some of the frontline caravans on Weir Meadow appeared to be perilously close to the water ……..


……. but they ought be OK too, as Darrell has it on good authority, i.e a resident, that a lot of the mobile homes are on hydraulics that should go with the river within reason. As ever, if the river continues to go up or decides to go down, you’ll, naturally, will be the first to know.


Mr.D said...

Good luck and fingers crossed.

"The Tide Is High ……" I hope that you are holdin' on.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that all is good and fingers crossed that the water level starts to go down.
