You may remember a little while ago, Darrell falling in love with a retro peacock chair in the hospice shop, something he’s had a long felt want for, but had to resign himself to the fact that no matter how much he mentally re-jigged our furniture around, there was no possible way he could find a space for it chez Towers …….
…… well, Nigel may have found the answer ……..
….. in another charity shop, just two doors down from the original hospice one ………..
……. to wit, a miniature version, probably just as old, going for the princely sum of £2. It’s big enough for Nigel to sit in, but sadly would be a too little snug to allow Darrell to lounge whimsically in it, however, enough’s as good as a feast, with the little fella reasoning that it still might appeal to Darrell’s artistic side with a nice pot plant sat sitting where he’d really prefer his bum to be!
So, feeling very pleased with himself, a considered Christmas present was duly purchased for Darrell and if the plant idea didn’t quite appeal, he was sure Darrell would come up with an equally creative idea …… although, I think, the little fella is secretly hoping that Darrell might just re-gift it back to him, what is he like?
P.S. Some of Val Doonican's sweaters and cardigans:
Good thinking young Nige! JantheFan x
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